Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pumpkin Carving

 Today, we headed out first thing in the morning to drive through the tunnel to the other side of the island and go to a pumpkin carving festival/fundraiser for the kids' preschool program :)
And I'll pop a photo of myself in the car here because... there are no other photos of me in the rest of the post, haha.
The kids were so excited to pick their pumpkin out, and finding our assigned table in the crowded mall was a little adventure. 
 And then we sat down and Daddy got carving!
He had very willing helpers :)
Molly and Zion were very good while he carved, they chatted with other kids around us, trick-or-treated a little as costumed festival volunteers walked through the crowds...

 I think our pumpkin turned out great! We ended up putting a face on each side of it, just for fun :)

 Isn't it cute?
It's fun to have a jack o'lantern around.
Gotta share a snap from our beach afternoon with uncle A on Friday :)
Until next time,